Saturday, 21 June 2014


One use of grains is for feeding livestock like horses. Some grains that horses are fed are oats, barley and corn.
Oats, like many grains, are grown outdoors. After plantation, the crops take around 45 days to mature and be ready to harvest. Corn takes even shorter to grown while barley takes the longest to grow- up to 70 days.

While humans generally eat rolled oats for breakfast, horses eat whole oats. Grains may be fed by themselves or compressed with other food and vitamins. My horse, Pondie, eats whole oats and barley compressed with vitamins.

                          Pondie eating his food

                            What Pondie thinks of his food

                              Compressed barley (Gumnuts)

  Whole oats

Bye! Stay horsey,

Images belong to Horseyferret!


Sorry I haven't been on for a while. I had exams/tests/revision! Later today there will be a post about horse grains!
