Monday, 31 March 2014

Tuesday- Information on............XC jumps!

Good news! I copied before I published so every thing was there but a few jumps which I re-did! Yay!
Cross Country jumps!
Brush Fence-
This jump has a solid base with a brush sticking out at the top, where horses have to jump over.

Coffin Jump- It is a narrow ditch in the ground, which you have to jump over.                                                 
Bank Jump- A Bank jumps are usually 'steps or stairs' leveled above the ground, like stairs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Bull Finch- A bull finch is like a brush fence but with a solid base that is very high.
Arrow Head Jump- An arrowhead, also known as a chevron, is a triangle the arrowhead is very narrow
Corner Jump- The corner jump is also known as the apex. It is a triangular shaped jump. The side is the widest and is the part you have to jump over.
Ditch- this jump similar to the coffin jump, but on the other side of the ditch, there is a jump.
Log fence- It is just like a vertical or an oxer but just made out of a log.
Normandy bank- This jump is a combination of obstacles, there is usually a jump after the ditch, making the horse have to jump over it in one leap.
 Roll top- this is a long barrel-or half barrel- jump.
Table- this jump represents a table, the top is long and filled. It is a fence that is high and long.
Water jump- the water jump can be a mix of obstacles, for example, there can be a jump before or after the pool  of water, maybe even both! 

Tuesday- sadness and frustration!

Ugh! NOOO! The more I think about this, the more I get frustrated! I was typing and editing my Tuesday information on cross country jumps but them something happened and it took me back to my blog page and everything was gone!!!!! I am so upset, so jest letting you guys know that this is the only post for today sorry! It will be up, hopefully by tomorrow morning since there are no posts planned for Wednesdays!
Again, I'm really sorry!

Stay horsey,
~from a frustrated Livinia!

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Monday- Exercise!

Exercise 1-
 In trot, concentrate on making your turns around the cones more right angle instead of arcs. If your horse is too keen around the turns, do half halts to maintain the rhythm and don't constantly pull on the reins, pull and release for a better outcome!

Exercise 2-

Place 2 poles or cavaletti jumps to ride over. Start at a trot and then work into a canter. Stay balanced and when approaching the jump, stay in a steady balanced canter or trot. If your horse is too fast or keen, ask for a downwards transition and then try the trot or canter again.

Exercise 3-                                

 Place a small vertical or cross bar jump in the middle of the arena (center line at X) and come at the fence at trot and then canter. Make sure to keep the canter steady but forward canter. Once again, if your horse rushes, bring him back to a trot and a walk and ask for another canter.

Tips for rushing horses-
-Do lots of half halts
- Pull and release on the reins
- Do a few small circles when your horse is going too fast

Stay horse:)
~Livinia :)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Thursday- Horse breed of the week!


This horse breed is best known for racing. The Thoroughbred originates from England, they are very athletic, with long limbs and muscular body. They can range from 15-16.2hh in all colours are acceptable. A Thoroughbreds characteristics are-  fast, athletic, courageous, alert, honest, bold and friendly. The breed is hot-blooded which means they are spirited and athletic. 

Images are off Google Images and are not mine.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Stay Horsey,       ~Livinia:)     

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Random post :)

I just felt like posting something today. I have decided to start jumping more, and starting to jump higher. Maybe cross country... if I come up with any 'training routines' for a horse that rushes or runs at jumps (what I am dealing with) then I will post them here! It is getting darker earlier and lighter later in Australia! Nooo, winter is creeping onto us. So that is all I wanted to say, tomorrow will be horse breed of the week so stay tuned for that. I think my favorite blog day is Monday the training routine/exercise day, maybe I'll make two of these days a week, let me know in the comments and tell me what you would like me to write about next!
Sorry for not posting many pictures,
Stay horsey,
~Livinia :)

Megan Jones 

Image from Google Images

Monday, 24 March 2014

Tuesday Information- Types of Show Jumps!

Showjumping or Stadium Jumping is a discipline in English riding. I hope you will learn a little from these types of jumps. Vertical- It is a simply a straight pole, it can be one pole or multiple under one another. They are the most common. Wall Jump- Wall jumps are sometimes made to look like brick walls but actually the 'bricks' that make up the wall are light weight and fall easily and cause no damage to the horses legs if they hit the wall. Oxer Jump- It has two verticals placed close together making one whole jump that is wider. The oxer can also be called a spread. There are also many diffferent types of oxer jumps- Square oxer- both top poles are the same height. Ascending oxer- furthest pole is higher then the first. Descending oxer- furthest pole is lower then the first pole. Swedish oxer- poles slant in opposite direction and look like the are an 'x'. Swedish oxer Hog's back- poles are placed unevenly, for example the middle pole(s) can be the highest Fan jump- the rails on the side are spread out making them look like a fan from above. Triple bar jump- has three poles placed close together making them a wider oxer jump. has three poles placed close together making them a wider oxer jump. Filler jump- It has a solid bottom, usually below the poles. Open water- a ditch of water can be in front or behind a jump, like a vertical. Liverpool- a liverpool is just any jump like a vertical which has a pool of water directly under the jump. Feel free to comment on what you would like me do write about. Stay horsey, ~Livinia All pictures are from Google Images, they are not mine :)

Monday Training!

I almost forgot to 'post a post' today. This weekend (and Monday) has being horsey madness. I was normally riding horses and training on Saturday. Yesterday I went to Riders Club for the whole day as usual and today I went to a competition! So from 8-4 I wasn't home but yes, now it is past 7 and sorry that this post is late :) So I'm going to do a quick mounted exercise for jumping. 1- Start off with a simple 20 meter circle after warming up. Start the circle in walk, trot then canter until you and your horse are nicely warmed up and comfortable. 2- add a small cross rail jump on one of the sides of the circle and start off in trot and when you are comfortable you can do it in canter. If you want you can raise the jump or even make the cross rail into a vertical jump I hope you will be able to try this at home and it helps to improve your jumping skills. Sorry that this was a short post. Please feel free to comment and tell me what you would like to see next. Tomorrow will be information on things. I have to come up with something under that topic! Stay Horsey ~Livinia P.S if you want to see more 'animaly' things check out my other blog-

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Horse of the week!

Australian Stock Horse

The Australia Stock Horse, hence it's name was bred in Australia. The breed is known for it's intelligence, agility and stamina. The horse can be used in different competitions like dressage, show jumping, cross-country, endurance, polo and camp drafting. The Australian Stock horse can be approximately 14-16.2hh. The horse may look like a Thoroughbred and have it's speed but the Waler gave the breed it's endurance and stamina. The Australian Stock horse is usually bay but of course, they can be any solid colour.  

Picture from Google Images

Next post will be up on Monday for some training tips and exercise routines and possibly an update on horses!

Stay horse,
~Livinia :)

Monday, 17 March 2014


So I have decided to do a 'weekly plan' as I just did on my other bog- Animal Ark. <---- the link to it if you want to see some cool animal posts!

So here is the plan:) -

Monday- Training routines/exercises
Tuesday- Information! eg- bits, saddles, bridles, food etc.
Thursday- Horse of the week!

I also might throw in some other posts on days which aren't above but these are some things which I will definitely post and talk about. As always, feel free to give feedback or just a random comment but please tell me what you want me to do next if you want and I may start a YouTube channel if I get enough interested people so stay tuned if you want to see any of  that. (the week will begin on Thursday) :)
Stay Horsey
~Livinia :)

Sunday, 16 March 2014

What is Horse Radish?

Horse Radish is a blog about horses, not horse radish! In this blog you will find tips for riding, health and care, training routines for flat work and jumping. New posts will be posted at east 3 times a week and feel free to comment your opinions and information :)